Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Oral Steroid
Administration: Oral use
Manufacturer (Brand): Ultima Pharmaceuticals
Chemical Substance: Methyldrostanolone
Strength: 10 mg/tab
Unit: 50 tabs
WHAT IS ULTIMA SUPERDROL 10MG? | Ultima Pharmaceuticals Supplier
Legit Ultima Pharmaceuticals Steroids | Real Methyldrostanolone for Sale
Ultima-Superdrol for Sale: Uses, Dosage, Cycle, Benefits, Side Effects & Reviews
Methyldrostanolone (Superdrol) is an oral anabolic-androgen steroid (AAS) derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The compound was developed by Sterling Drug, Inc. in 1959. The purpose of its medical uses is as an anabolic stimulant and anti-cachexia agent. Superdrol is a much more potent androgen than DHT, but its effects are largely unknown due to limited research. The drug is legally available in some countries, but not others.
Composition and Definition: Superdrol is composed of two molecules: methandrostenolone and aminobenzoate. The active ingredient, methandrostenolone, is a synthetic form of DHT. Aminobenzoate is an active ingredient with an unknown function that is used as an excipient in many pharmaceuticals. The molecular formula for Superdrol is C21H34O2. It has a molecular mass of 318.49 g/mol.
Prescription: Superdrol is not prescribed by doctors in the USA. The drug was discontinued by the manufacturer in 2012. The availability of Superdrol on the black market or through underground sources is common.
Active Life: Superdrol has an active life of approximately 8 hours in the body. This means that the drug typically wears off after 8 hours.
Interactions: Superdrol can interact with other medications. It should not be taken with any drugs that contain liver toxins, as the combination may be toxic to the liver. Additionally, the drug can interact with certain anticoagulants and antihypertensives.
Precautions: Superdrol should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women, or by individuals with severe liver or kidney disease. Additionally, it should not be taken by individuals with a history of prostate or breast cancer.
Uses: Superdrol is typically used by bodybuilders and athletes as a performance-enhancing drug. The drug can help improve muscle strength, size, and endurance. Additionally, it can increase the rate of fat loss.
Dosage: For bodybuilding and performance enhancement, the typical dosage of Superdrol is 10-20 mg per day, divided into two or three doses. For medical purposes, the recommended dosage is 5-10 mg per day.
Half-Life: The half-life of Superdrol is approximately 8 hours. This means that the drug typically wears off after 8 hours.
Cycle: A typical cycle of Superdrol lasts 6 weeks. It is typically taken in doses of 10-20 mg per day.
Overdose: The effects of an overdose of Superdrol are unknown. However, it is important to be aware that the drug can be hepatotoxic if taken in high doses.
Legal: In the USA and UK, Superdrol is not a legally available drug. It is only legally available in some countries, such as Portugal and Mexico.
Benefits: The effects of Superdrol are largely unknown due to limited research. However, some potential benefits include increased strength and muscle size, improved endurance, and increased fat loss.
Results: The effects of Superdrol vary according to dosage and individual response. Generally, users can expect to see increased strength and muscle size, improved endurance, and increased fat loss.
Side Effects: The side effects of Superdrol are largely unknown due to limited research. However, possible side effects include liver damage, increased blood pressure, and gynecomastia.
Bodybuilding: Superdrol is a popular bodybuilding drug. It can help increase muscle size and strength, improve endurance, and reduce fat.
Reviews: Reviews of Superdrol are generally positive. Many people report having good results with the drug, with few side effects.
US Domestic Shipping: Superdrol is legally available in some countries, such as Portugal and Mexico. However, in the United States, it can only be purchased on the black market or through underground sources.
Stacking: Superdrol can be stacked with other androgenic steroids to increase the effects. Popular stacking compounds include testosterone, Anadrol, and Dianabol.
Storage: Superdrol should be stored in a cool, dry place, out of the reach of children.
Brand Names: Superdrol is sold under many different brand names, including Superdrol, Methyldrostanolone, Methasteron, and Methyldienolone.
Price: The price of Superdrol varies depending on the brand and source. Generally, it can cost anywhere from $50-200 per cycle.
Warnings: Superdrol should not be taken in high doses, as it can be hepatotoxic. Additionally, the drug should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women, or by individuals with severe liver or kidney disease.
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