Somatropin (HGH) (35 Offers)

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*USA Domestic Only*
Odintropin 45iu PEN
kit  -  45iu pen

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand):
Odin Pharma
Chemical Substance:
HGH - Somatropin
1 Pen with Cartridge


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*USA Domestic Only*
Odintropin 45iu Refill Cartidge
kit  -  45iu cartidge

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand):
Odin Pharma
Chemical Substance:
HGH - Somatropin
Refill Cartidge


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kit  -  10 IU/3.33mg

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Ice Pharmaceuticals
Chemical Substance: Somatropin (rDNA origin);
Strength: 10 iu/vial (3.3mg)
Unit: 1 kit - 10 vials

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Somatrox HGH
kit  -  10iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): ZZerox Pharmaceuticals
Chemical Substance: Somatropin (rDNA origin);
Strength: 10 iu/vial
Unit: 1 kit - 10 vials, 10 amps bac water

Out of stock
*USA Domestic Only*
kit  -  10 vials/10iu (3.33mg)

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical (ZPHC)
Chemical Substance: Somatropin
Strength: 10 iu/vial (3.33mg)
Unit: 1 kit - 10 vials


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Somatropin Liquid 100iu (Hilma)
kit  -  2 vials (50iu each)

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Hilma Biocare
Chemical Substance: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone
Strength: 50iu liquid form (100iu per kit)
Unit: 2 vials

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Somatropin Powder 100iu (Hilma)
kit  -  10 vials x 10iu

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Hilma Biocare
Chemical Substance: Recombinant Human Growth Hormone
Strength: 10 iu/Vial (100iu per kit)
Unit: 10 vials

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Bodytropin 10 IU
10 ml  -  200 mg/ml

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): BodyPharm
Chemical Substance: Human Growth Hormone (Somatropin, rDNA origin)
Strength: 10 iu (3.3mg)
Unit: 1 Vial

Out of stock
Genotrop HGH (Genetic)
kit  -  10iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Genetic Pharmaceuticals
Chemical Substance: Somatropin
Strength: 10 iu/Vial (100iu per kit)
Unit: 1 kit - 10 vials

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Magnumtropin (HGH)
kit  -  10iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Magnum Lab
Chemical Substance: Somatropin
Strength: 10 iu/Vial
Unit: 1 kit - 10 vials

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Gerotrop Rise
kit  -  10x10iu

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Rise Pharmaceuticals
Chemical Substance: Somatropin (rDNA origin)
Strength: 10iu (3.3mg)
Unit: 1 kit 100iu (10 vials + 10 amps bac water)

Product Expiration Date: September 2023.

Out of stock
Humatrope 18 iu
vial  -  18 iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Lilly, Turkey
Chemical Substance: Human Growth Hormone, Somatropin
Strength: 18 iu
Unit: 1 Vial

Out of stock
Humatrope 36 iu
vial  -  36 iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Lilly, Turkey
Chemical Substance: Human Growth Hormone, Somatropin
Strength: 36 iu
Unit: 1 Vial

Out of stock
Humatrope 72 IU
vial  -  72 iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Lilly, Turkey
Chemical Substance: Human Growth Hormone, Somatropin
Strength: 72 iu
Unit: 1 Vial

Out of stock
Norditropin 15 IU
vial  -  15 iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Novo Nordisk, Turkey
Chemical Substance: Human Growth Hormone, Somatropin
Strength: 15 IU
Unit: 1 Vial

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Norditropin Simplex
vial  -  30 iu/vial

Drug Class: Growth Hormone
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Novo Nordisk, Turkey
Chemical Substance: Human Growth Hormone, Somatropin
Strength: 30 IU
Unit: 1 Vial

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