Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Injection
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Chemical Substance: Testosterone Mix
Strength: 450 mg/ml
Unit: 1 VIAL x 10 ml [Sterile Multiple Dose]
Effective Dose: 1-2ml/week; 8-12 weeks;
Goal: Muscle Mass, Bulking, Strength
WHAT IS HEXYL 450? | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Supplier
Legit Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Steroids | Buy Testosterone Mix for Sale
Hexyl 450 for Sale: Uses, Dosage, Cycle, Benefits, Side Effects & Reviews
Active Substance:
- 32 mg of Testosterone Acetate;
- 73 mg of Testosterone Propionate;
- 73 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate;
- 125 mg of Testosterone Cypionate;
- 147 mg of Testosterone Decanoate;
Testosterone Blend is an anabolic hormone supplement used to build muscle mass, strength, and stamina. This hormonal blend of testosterone boosting nutrients can be used by people who wish to enhance their physical appearance, performance, and overall well-being. The main components found in Testosterone Blend are testosterone propionate, testosterone enanthate, and testosterone cypionate. These components are non-steroidal, natural ingredients that can stimulate the production of testosterone in the body. Some of the benefits of Testosterone Blend include increased muscle mass, increased strength and endurance, improved libido, and better health overall.
Testosterone Blend Uses:
The most common testosterones are often used for bodybuilding and powerlifting. By supplementing Testosterone Blend, it not only increases levels of testosterone in the body, but it also helps to improve overall performance. Testosterone Blend is especially beneficial for athletes who are looking to enhance their strength and athletic performance. It is also used for males who want to increase their muscle mass and reduce fat and build the body they desire.
Testosterone Blend Steroids:
Testosterone Blend is not a steroid, but rather a specially formulated combination of natural ingredients. Testosterone Blend provides the body with a powerful boost of testosterone, which is essential for the beneficial effects of testosterone on the body. Testosterone Blend helps restore testosterone levels in the body, which can have a positive effect on muscle growth, strength, stamina, and overall well-being.
Testosterone Blend Dosage:
The recommended dose of Testosterone Blend depends on the individual's medical history and body type. The most common dosage is 3 to 4 capsules daily. It is recommended to take capsules before meals or workouts.
Testosterone Blend Cycle:
To gain maximum benefit from Testosterone Blend, it is recommended to cycle it for 10 to 12 weeks. During the cycle, the dosage should start at 3 to 4 capsules per day for the first 4 weeks, and then increase to 4 to 6 capsules per day for the remaining weeks of the cycle. During the cycle, it is important to take a rest week after 6 weeks, and also to abstain from drinking alcohol and eating foods containing high amounts of sugar.
Testosterone Blend Bodybuilding:
Testosterone Blend is a great supplement to use when bodybuilding. Its testosterone boosting components increase muscle mass, strength and endurance. This means one can perform better during weight training and have more effective workouts. With its increased muscle mass, the body becomes leaner and more toned which helps provide a more pleasing physical appearance.
Testosterone Blend Results:
Using Testosterone Blend can provide its users with many positive benefits. Many people report increased muscle mass, increased strength and endurance, improved libido, and overall better health. It is also beneficial for helping the body recover from intense workouts.
Testosterone Blend Side Effects:
Testosterone Blend has a low risk of causing serious side effects. Some mild side effects include acne, headache, nausea, and difficulty sleeping. If any of these or other side effects occur, one should consult a healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Testosterone Blend Reviews:
Most users who use Testosterone Blend report positive results. Many have seen increased muscle mass and strength, improved libido and better health overall. The only negative side effect reported is mild develop of acne. For this reason, Testosterone Blend is recommended to those who wish to gain muscle mass, strength, and endurance.
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Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Injection
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Chemical Substance: Testosterone Blend (Mix)
Strength: 350 mg/ml
Unit: 1 VIAL x 10 ml [Sterile Multiple Dose]
Dosage: 2ml/week; 8-12 weeks;
Goal: Muscle Mass
Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Injection
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Chemical Substance: Drostanolone Propionate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Unit: 1 VIAL x 10 ml [Sterile Multiple Dose]
Common Dose: 300-500 mg/week; 8-10 weeks;
Goal: Cutting
Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Injection
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Chemical Substance: Trenbolone Blend
Strength: 150 mg/ml
Unit: 1 VIAL x 10 ml [Sterile Multiple Dose]
Common Dose: 1ml/EOD; 4-8 weeks;
Goal: Cutting
Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Injection
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Chemical Substance: Trenbolone Enanthate
Strength: 200 mg/ml
Unit: 1 VIAL x 10 ml [Sterile Multiple Dose]
Average Dose: 300 - 600mg/week; 8-12 weeks;
Goal: Bulking
Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Injection
Administration: Intramuscular Injection
Manufacturer (Brand): Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Chemical Substance: Trenbolone Acetate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Unit: 1 VIAL x 10 ml [Sterile Multiple Dose]
Dosage: 50-100mg/EOD; 6-10 weeks;
Goal: Cutting
Aug 24, 2021 (01:41)
Using first time hexyl 450 by kalpa, not bad, good work. international delivery time 20 days