Anadrol 25 Anadrol 25
Generic Asia

Anadrol 25

35.00 USD

Drug Class: Anabolic Androgenic Oral Steroid
Administration: Oral use
Manufacturer (Brand): Generic Asia
Chemical Substance: Oxymetholone
Strength: 25 mg/tab
Unit: 50 tabs

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Anadrol 25 Detailed

WHAT IS Anadrol? | Generic Asia Supplier

Legit Generic Asia Steroids | Buy Oxymetholone for Sale

Anadrol for Sale: Uses, Dosage, Cycle, Benefits, Side Effects & Reviews

Oxymetholone, often referred to as Anadrol, is an androgenic anabolic steroid (AAS) with a considerable potency and wide medicative applications. Oxymetholone is known to act by binding to androgen receptors and performing similar actions to testosterone and other natural male hormones. It is most commonly prescribed to treat anemia, but is also used to treat HIV, cancer and genetic syndromes.

Composition: Anabolic Oxymetholone is presented most commonly as an off-white to yellowish crystalline powder for oral ingestion. Other possible presentation methods for Oxymetholone may include tablets, suspensions and injectables.

Definition: Anabolic Oxymetholone, commonly known as Anadrol, is the brand name and synthetic derivative (500 times more anabolic than testosterone) of androgens – which are a group of hormones related to the male sex hormones. It is used to increase bone density, muscle mass and strength and is commonly used in medical therapy and in conjunction with other treatments such as chemotherapies and radiotherapies.

Prescription: Under US law, Oxymetholone is considered a controlled substance and is only available with a valid prescription from an authorized physician. Before taking Oxymetholone, it is highly recommended to have a complete physical exam and medical history to determine if Oxymetholone is a suitable fit for the individual.

Active Life: Oxymetholone has an active life of 8-10 hours and will begin to become increasingly effective after the first few doses.

Pharmacology: Oxymetholone binds to the receptor sites for androgenic hormones, producing similar action to testosterone and helping to build muscles. In treating anemia and certain genetic syndromes, Oxymetholone helps to stimulate red blood cell growth, which increases patient's erythropoietin levels. Additionally, Oxymetholone is thought to enhance appetite.

Interactions: Oxymetholone can interact with many other medicines, including: thyroid medications, antibiotics, antifungals, birth control pills, steroids, and H2 blockers. It can also interact with certain supplements, such as calcium and magnesium, and interact with other medicines. If a patient has any other medical concerns or is taking any other medications, they should provide their doctor with a complete list to assess any potential interactions.

Precautions: Oxymetholone should not be taken if a patient has parathyroid or liver problems; diabetes; high cholesterol or any other medical condition. Additionally, women who are pregnant or nursing should not take Oxymetholone.

Uses: Oxymetholone is widely used to treat several conditions and disorders, including: anemia, certain genetic conditions such as quadriplegia, Turner's Syndrome and Prader-Willi Syndrome; HIV and cancer; osteoporosis; and mild to moderate pain. Additionally, Oxymetholone is used to help with medical weight gain and in palliative care.

Dosage: Oxymetholone can be taken orally or in injectable form, however it is usually prescribed as an oral dosage of 25-150mg per day. The oral dosage should be taken once or twice daily, depending on the certain condition, and the injection is dosed depending on the patient's body weight.

Half-Life: Oxymetholone's active half-life is 8-10 hours.

Cycle: Oxymetholone should be cycled for six to 12 weeks. Women are generally advised to use Oxymetholone in a more conservative cycle of six to eight weeks with a break in between cycles. It is important to take a responsible approach to Oxymetholone use, as overuse can lead to serious side effects and health risks.

Overdose: Large doses of Oxymetholone can cause severe side effects. These include: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, yellowing of eyes and skin, nausea, elevation in body temperature, and water retention. If any of these symptoms are experienced, medical attention should be sought.

Legal: In the US, Oxymetholone is classified as a Schedule III narcotic which means it is a controlled substance. It can be legally obtained with a prescription and is regulated by the government. Outside of the US, oxymetholone is regulated and can only be obtained and used with a prescription.

Benefits: Oxymetholone benefits are mainly physical, however some may also be psychological. Physically, Oxymetholone increases bone and muscle mass along with improved muscle strength and endurance. These changes can often help improve the patient's quality of life and help give them greater independence. It can also help to reduce the symptoms of anemia and certain genetic syndromes. Additionally, Oxymetholone increases appetite, helping to maintain a consistent weight for those suffering from AIDS or cancer. Psychologically, many users report feeling more alert and energetic, as well as a general sense of well-being.

Results: Results from a cycle of Oxymetholone will largely depend on the individual's overall health and lifestyle. Generally, users can experience increases in muscle mass and strength, improved metabolism, improved appetite, and potential reduction in symptoms of anemia. Results will be more noticeable if the user takes other supplements alongside Oxymetholone and follows good lifestyle habits such as regular exercise and healthy eating.

Side Effects: There are some known side effects associated with Oxymetholone. These include oily skin, increased facial and body hair, male pattern baldness, acne, gynecomastia, decreased libido and testicular atrophy. Additionally, long-term use can lead to liver toxicity, increased cholesterol and increased blood pressure, an enlarged prostate and can cause problems with the reproductive system.

Bodybuilding: Oxymetholone is an often-overlooked anabolic steroid, however it can be very beneficial and is used often in bodybuilding and strength-training cycles, due to its ability to increase both size and strength very rapidly. In such cases, Oxymetholone is commonly stacked with other strong anabolic steroids such as testosterone and Deca Durabolin.

Reviews: Reviews of Oxymetholone are generally favourable, with many users experiencing relatively positive results from the steroid. Some users report feeling cranky and irritable, due to the hormone's androgenic properties, however this often disappears once the cycle is completed. Many users report having a good experience when stacking Oxymetholone with other anabolic steroids.

US Domestic Shipping: Oxymetholone is available for shipment from within the United States, however it is only available with a valid prescription from an authorized physician.

Stacking: When stacking Oxymetholone with other anabolic steroids, it is important to do so with caution and start at the lowest possible dosages. It is also important to keep track of any potential side effects and adjust the cycle accordingly.

Storage: Anadrol should be stored in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children and pets. It should be kept away from direct sunlight and heat, as well as moisture and flame.

Brand Names: The brand name for Oxymetholone is Anadrol, however there are other generic options available.

Price: Prices for Oxymetholone can vary depending on the form, availability and country of origin. Generally, Oxymetholone is reasonably affordable, with each tablet costing around $2-3 USD.

Warnings: Oxymetholone should always be taken with caution and in accordance with a physician's prescription. Dosages should not be increased without caution and experimenting should be avoided due to the risk of adverse reactions and side effects.

And more: Oxymetholone is believed to increase strength to a greater degree than any other steroid and is often used as a pre-workout supplement to increase energy levels prior to exercise. It is important to remember that such use is only for short periods of time and that Oxymetholone may cause an increase in liver enzymes. Additionally, Oxymetholone is thought to be beneficial for recovery of muscle function post-exercise and is believed to enhance the anabolic response to intense exercise, which can help the user to achieve better gains. Users should remember to keep their cycle lengths low and consider stacking with other steroids, such as Deca Durabolin and Dianabol, as a way of minimising the risk of any side effects.

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